Facts and fi gures Prevention is better than cure Wherever people work, live and do business, risks are unavoidable. And these are often risks people are not even aware of until there’s an emergency, such as a fi re, burglary, theft or surprise attack. There is a break-in somewhere in the Netherlands every 6 minutes and 1 in every 1,000 households has to deal with a fi re at some point. Of course, you never dream it could happen to you but if it should happen to you, it is often more than material goods alone that you lose. And that’s not even to mention your sense of safety and security that you are suddenly deprived of. The damage that fi re causes to companies alone costs the Netherlands around half a billion euros each year. And that fi gure only includes instances of fi re damage assessed at above 900,000 euros. Of the businesses that are confronted with this type of disaster, 43% never recover fi nancially. And of the companies that continue operations after a fi re, 28% are bankrupt within three years. This type of suffering, both to people and to businesses, is often caused by human carelessness and technical failure. However much you try to eliminate these risk factors, you can never reduce the odds of a disaster striking to zero. However, by properly identifying the risks present, taking the right security measures and participating in (ongoing) training in dealing with unsafe situations, you can lower the risk to a minimum. 3 Towards a secure future! Pagina 10

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